We support the education and training requirements the military services have determined are a prerequisite to professional peacetime and operational practice within the Military Health System of the Department of Defense. CAHS degree are fully accredited and require competencies and practice credentials identical to the civilian sector.
We additionally have a small Voluntary Education offering, supporting Service requirements of degrees for NCOs and Petty Officers, via an education training administration and leadership program primarily for instructors at branch campuses. There are 15 semester hours offered in residence at METC and 18 upper division hours offered via online courses. This allows instructors to achieve academic residency requirements for both ASHS and BSHS degree plans.
Not only are our students trained exceptionally well for the mission of the DoD on duty, they achieve education for a lifetime of service to the nation, long after leaving military service, within the communities they call home.
- Convert your military training to academic credit at no cost to you
- Preserve your Voluntary Education Benefits
- Enhance your readiness by reducing time and cost of degree completion
- Become eligible to take national certification examinations to achieve professional credentials
- Practice anywhere your credential is required
- Transition to civilian jobs without further training or education