The Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences gives service members the opportunity to apply coursework completed for credentialed practice within the Military Health System (MHS) toward an accredited, recognized degree that transfers entirely to a variety of graduate-level programs that support the MHS as well as the civilian sector. Upon completing their degree and any national certification examinations, service members can use their degree both in further service to their country and long after they’ve separated from the military.

This degree plan is designed to accommodate a variety of health science specialties and is composed primarily of coursework required of professionally accredited disciplines of study for credentialed practice within the MHS. This degree plan transfers entirely to a variety of graduate-level programs that also support the MHS and the civilian sector, which will better serve the military member and the Nation while on duty, as well as after separation from service.



CAHS Bachelor's degrees awarded to date


Voluntary Education upper division hours offered via online courses


Semester Hours required to finish the BSHS degree